IBM PC Games

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This is for examples of DOS games on MS-DOS Games in their most BASIC modes. Including the 1-channel PC Speaker noises and music, and the poor CGA graphics with only Blue/Pink/White or Red/Yellow/Green

Exit to DOS first, then type BUBBLE R, you'll get a configuration screen, set your graphics to CGA graphics, and choose IBM music, which will make the music sound terrible, the CGA graphics don't look that bad as Bub is still green with yellow spikes, but however Bob is red.
At first glance, you can't play the game in CGA due to showing only VGA and EGA options. But exit to DOS, type sbtype=none, type tandy off, then type cgalemmi, for graphics you'll get a look where the colors are oh so wrong, and for sounds there isn't music, just beeps or no sound.
At the setup screen, all you have to change is the graphics to CGA as by default it will use the PC Speaker, which the tune at the beginning sounds great for the PC Beeper.
There is a graphics selection screen, select CGA.
There is a graphics selection screen, select CGA.
Before the game starts, press esc to enter the setup menu and change graphics to the 4-color CGA mode, on MS-DOS data it'll be BPW colors, on Tandy 1000 data it will be RYW, either way, both are terrible graphics choices but yes this is the most basic way to play.
Exit the game, type sbtype=none, then NM CGA. (Tandy 1000 data automatically sets it to CGA)
There is no CGA option, so the basic way is PC Speaker, exit the game, type sbtype=none, then tandy off, then RFL
There is no CGA option, so the basic way is PC Speaker, exit the game, type sbtype=none, then tandy off, then tmprog
To play in CGA, exit the game and type RR CGA.
Before the game starts, press esc to enter the setup menu and change graphics to the 4-color CGA mode, on MS-DOS data it'll be BPW colors, on Tandy 1000 data it will be RYW, either way, both are terrible graphics choices but yes this is the most basic way to play.
Exit the game, then type OREGON CGA. (Tandy 1000 data automatically sets it to CGA)
Exit the game, then type DUCKTALE CGA.
At the selection screen, choose the CGA graphics card.
You need Tandy 1000 data in order to play this in a more basic mode.