Ultimate Randomizer
From CloudyEggs Wiki
Jump to navigationJump to searchUltimate Randomizer is a Twitter account by Cloudy with more than 12.8 MILLION possibilities!
Pros[edit | edit source]
- Like many randomizer accounts that use characters, this one has the fun possibility of more than hundreds of thousands of possibilities
- Over 2160 characters!
- 161 different actions, which other bots clearly have less actions
- Most of the time it does legitimately use a Randomizer, in Funslots.
- Like Mario Kart Bot, it has a reply system.
- At rare times this account can generate legitimate coincidences or for the rarest, a LEGITIMATE DOUBLE CHARACTER POST
- The advantage of it not being a bot is that it change pictures of characters based on said actions, some examples shown here.
Cons[edit | edit source]
- This actually isn't a bot, as Cloudy can't even make a Twitter Bot! (nvm this shouldn't be in cons, thats being oversensitive)
- Failed to generate a post due to Errors with Pirates
- The "this post duplicates (PERSON1)" action is disappointing compared to it legitimately happening, idk why Cloudy wanted to exploit this.
- An action was taken from the now deleted "CoronaBot" that said whether characters had been tested positive or negative.
- Reply System that went too far!
- This account's beginning was complete and total shit, due to either having not enough characters, which makes it boring. Or during the beginning, there was even unrandomized posts, ones that the account didn't randomize AT ALL.